Tag - microsoft teams

Software Engineers Tools That Supercharge Productivity

Software Engineers: Tools That Supercharge Productivity

Table of ContentsIntroductionSection 1: Code Editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)1.1 Visual Studio Code1.2 Sublime Text1.3 JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA1.4 Atom1.5 VimSection 2: Version Control Systems2.1 Git2.2 GitHub2.3 Bitbucket2.4 GitLabSection 3: Collaboration and Communication Tools for Software Engineers3.1 Slack3.2 Microsoft Teams3.3 Zoom3.4 DiscordSection 4: Project Management Platforms4.1 Jira4.2 Trello4.3 Asana4.4 BasecampSection 5: Code Review and...

What Makes A Great Programmer?

Today, the software development industry is one of the world's most prominent professional industries. Developers must build various abilities and practices in addition to technical aptitude in order to be employed. Good programmers can write code that is error-free. However, it is not enough to be a language expert or to have specific expertise. While understanding...