Tag - LINQ

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 99: where

Popular computer language C# is used to create a variety of applications, including desktop software and web apps. The "where" keyword, which is used to filter data based on specific criteria, is one of the language's strong features. In this article, we'll go over the "where" keyword in depth and give several C# code...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 74: select

C# is a highly adaptable programming language that empowers developers to design potent and effective applications. Among the various functionalities of C#, the "select" keyword is a widely used feature in LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) statements that enable the filtration and modification of data. The primary focus of this blog post is to delve into...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 60: orderby

C# is a versatile programming language that provides a variety of features and functionalities to developers. One such feature is the "orderby" keyword, which allows sorting of data in ascending or descending order. In this blog post, we'll explore the "orderby" keyword in C# and provide some code examples to illustrate its usage. Introduction to...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 58: on

C# is a versatile and powerful programming language that provides a rich set of features for manipulating data. One of the most useful features of C# is LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), which provides a simple and expressive way to query data from different data sources. In this blog post, we will explore how to use...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 50: join

C# is a popular choice for creating contemporary apps since it is a flexible programming language with many beneficial features. The "join" keyword is one such feature that enables programmers to integrate data from two or more collections based on a common key. We will examine the C# "join" keyword and its potential applications in...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 41: group

C# is a powerful programming language that is widely used by developers across the globe. One of its unique features is the "group" keyword, which allows developers to group objects based on a common property. In this blog post, we will explore the "group" keyword in C# with code examples. The "group" keyword in C#...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 37: from

Popular programming language C# is frequently employed in the creation of contemporary apps. The "from" keyword, which may be used in LINQ (Language Integrated Query) queries to get data from collections or other data sources, is one of the features of the C# programming language. We will examine the "from" keyword and its applications...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 22: descending

Popular programming language C# is frequently used to create games, web apps, desktop applications for Windows, and much more. Its extensive feature list makes it a potent language for programmers. One of those features enables you to sort data in descending order and is called the "descending" keyword. We'll examine the "descending" keyword in...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 4: ascending

C# is a strong programming language with a variety of features that aid programmers in creating orderly, effective code. The word ascending, which is used to sort data in ascending order, is one of these properties. We will discuss the ascending keyword in C# and give usage examples in this blog article. What is the...