Tag - loop

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 100: while

C# is a potent programming language that gives developers access to a wide range of constructs to help them accomplish their coding objectives. The "while" loop is one such design element. Developers can continually run a block of code until a certain condition is fulfilled by using the "while" loop. In this blog article,...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 53: long

Modern, high-level programming languages like C# may be utilized to create a variety of applications. Working with many data kinds, including characters, integers, and floating-point numbers, is one of its most helpful capabilities. This article will discuss the "long" keyword in C#, which is used to denote huge integer values. What is the "long" keyword...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 40: goto

The "goto" keyword in C# is a control transfer statement that allows you to transfer control to a labeled statement within the same method, block, or switch statement. While the use of the "goto" statement can simplify code in some scenarios, it can also create spaghetti code and make it difficult to maintain. In...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 36: foreach

C# is a programming language that is popularly used for developing different types of applications, including desktop, web, and mobile apps. It is an object-oriented language that incorporates the "foreach" keyword, which makes it simple and effective to iterate over collections like arrays, lists, and dictionaries. This article delves into the "foreach" keyword, providing...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 18: continue

Web creation, desktop and mobile application development, game development, and other fields all use the potent programming language C#. The "continue" keyword, one of C#'s many characteristics, can be used in loops to skip over some iterations and move on to the next one. When utilizing a "for" loop, "while" loop, or "do-while" loop, the...