Tag - Single Responsibility Principle

Structuring React Components Best Practices for Code Organization

Structuring React Components: Best Practices for Code Organization

Table of ContentsIntroductionSingle Responsibility Principle (SRP) in ReactFolder StructureAtomic DesignContainer and Presentational ComponentsUse of Higher-Order Components (HOCs)Context API for State Management Introduction In web development, React has become widely popular as a JavaScript library for crafting user interfaces. Its component-based design empowers developers to construct modular and reusable UI elements, fostering the development of maintainable and...

Microservices Best Practices

In the world of software development, there are always new trends and best practices to learn about and adopt. When it comes to microservices, there are a few key best practices to keep in mind in order to create successful, scalable microservices. One best practice is to keep your microservices small and focused. A microservice...