Tag - APIs

Data Engineer

We’re Hiring – Senior Data Engineer

Data Engineer Job Description: As a senior data engineer the main product you’ll be working on is our data pipeline, which has been built using the best-of-breed ETL/data warehousing tools and technologies. We predominantly use Python, with Airflow being our orchestration framework of choice. We use Snowflake as our cloud data warehouse, together with Tableau...

10 Key Lessons for API Product Managers and Team Leaders

The foundation of contemporary software development, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow for easy platform and system interaction. You play a crucial part in determining the success of your product as an API product manager or team leader, as well as the efficiency of your team. In this blog article, we'll look at 10 important...

RESTful vs. RPC: Comparing Two Distinct API Architectural Approaches

Developers have a wide range of architectural styles to pick from when it comes to creating and implementing APIs. Representational State Transfer (REST) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) are two popular choices. Both strategies have their own advantages, disadvantages, and applications. With the use of practical C# code samples, we will examine the distinctions...

Everything You Should Know About Postman

Postman is a popular tool for testing and developing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). It is used by developers, testers, and even non-technical team members to interact with APIs in a quick and easy way. In this article, we will dive into what Postman is, its key features, and how it can be used in...

What Is CORS?

CORS is a browser protocol and security standard. It is critical for API development. To limit the hazards of cross-origin HTTP queries, modern browsers use CORS in APIs such as XMLHttpRequest or Fetch. It allows you to keep your website's integrity. But what exactly is CORS? What is its purpose? All of the information...

Git vs. GitHub vs. GitLab

Both GitHub and GitLab are Git repositories that will help you with development and refining. Which is best for your company? Modification. Collaboration. Amendments. Continuous enhancement. All of these are essential components of the software development life cycle (SDLC). You're always looking for methods to make the SDLC easier, more efficient, and more accessible to...

Node.js vs PHP: Ultimate Comparison Guide

The performance, database, client-side coding, and other useful aspects of Node.js vs. PHP comparison include when to choose Node.js over PHP and vice versa. Two excellent backend web technologies are PHP and Node.js. Node.js perfectly satisfies the development requirements of contemporary web applications, while PHP has long been regarded as the best language for server-side...

How to Convert JSON into XML using Java?

XML is a markup language that is used to store data. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that is used to exchange data from client to server. Both XML and JSON are similar to HTML in java. If you have ever had the need of converting XML to JSON in Java, you have probably come...

Automate Everything Using Python

Learn all the cool things Python can automate with us. This article will cover some concepts regarding automation and use cases for this super language, whether you are an expert or a beginner. Coders adore Python, we can say that without a shadow of a doubt. It consistently ranks among the most well-liked programming languages...

Microservices Best Practices

In the world of software development, there are always new trends and best practices to learn about and adopt. When it comes to microservices, there are a few key best practices to keep in mind in order to create successful, scalable microservices. One best practice is to keep your microservices small and focused. A microservice...