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Web Storage Cookies vs Local Storage vs Session Storage

Web Storage: Cookies vs Local Storage vs Session Storage

Table of ContentsIntroduction to Web StorageUnderstanding CookiesExploring Local StorageDiving into Session StorageComparing Cookies, Local Storage, and Session Storage Here's to a thorough investigation of online storage systems! We'll go deep into the world of web storage in this book, with a particular emphasis on three important players: cookies, local storage, and session storage. By the...

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client ASP.NET

I got this error message when I try to submit a form with HTML Code, the default settings of the .NET Framework will not allow me to submit HTML Code to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. To avoid this error set Validate Request to false in the Page Directive.ValidateRequest="false" but this is not recommended.