Tag - IntelliSense

Building Your First VS Code Extension using React, TypeScript, and Tailwind

Building Your First VS Code Extension using React, TypeScript, and Tailwind

Table of Contents1- Understanding VS Code Extensions2- Setting Up Your Development Environment3- Creating the VS Code Extension Project4- Building the User Interface with React5- Adding Functionality with TypeScript6- Styling with Tailwind CSS7- Testing and Debugging Your Extension8- Publishing Your Extension9- Conclusion and Further Resources Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has become one of the most...

Why use Angular for Progressive Web Application development?

The way businesses operate has changed since the introduction of so-called mobile phones. While the evolution began with the creation of websites, we now live in the age of mobile apps. Mobile apps are the best way to connect with your customers and workforce because they provide timely notifications, quick deliverables, and convenience. This gave...