Tag - object-oriented

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 49: is

C# is a popular object-oriented programming language with many useful features that make it a go-to choice for developing modern applications. One such feature is the "is" keyword, which allows developers to check if an object is of a particular type. In this blog post, we will explore the "is" keyword in C# and how...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 46: interface

C# is an object-oriented programming language that enables the definition of interfaces to represent a group of correlated functionalities that a class must implement. Interfaces offer a means to abstract the implementation specifics of a class and outline a contract that identifies what the class is required to accomplish. In this article, we'll examine...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 39: global

The C# language is an object-oriented programming language that is widely utilized in conjunction with the .NET framework to build a diverse range of applications, such as desktop and mobile apps, web applications, and games. This blog post delves into the "global" keyword in C#, which eases the process of accessing variables defined in...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 29: explicit

In the realm of programming, C# stands as an object-oriented language that empowers developers to create their own data types, methods, and properties. An essential element of C# is its capacity to convert data types explicitly by employing the "explicit" keyword. The present blog article is devoted to investigating the concept of the "explicit"...

Is JavaScript a Functional Programming Language?

Over the past few years, functional programming has become more and more well-liked. Functional programming has experienced a resurgence among developers as a result of the adoption of its concepts in languages like Python and Java. Some contemporary languages, such as Clojure and Haskel, are almost entirely functional. Multi-paradigm languages have always been a feature...

Coding Skills That Every Developer Should Have

Coding skills are essential for any developer. They allow you to create programs and websites that interact with computers. There are a variety of coding languages and tools that you can use to develop your skills. You can learn the basics of coding by working with a free coding platform or learning code through...

C# vs Java: What To Choose For Your Next Application?

There are many programming languages in existence today and two of the most popular ones are C# and Java. Both languages have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it can be difficult to decide which one to use for your project. In this blog post, we'll be comparing C# and Java in order to...

Building Angular based Single-Page application on Cloud

Businesses are more inclined than ever before to create single-page applications (SPAs). It is partly due to its improved browser performance and ability to run smartphone applications. Because of its ability to create single-page applications, Angular, an SPA framework, is also gaining popularity. This article will look at building angular-based SPAs on the cloud and...