Tag - Functional Programming

Functional Programming in C# with Lambda Expressions

Programming paradigms such as functional programming prevent changeable data and changing states by treating computing as the execution of mathematical functions. Lambda expressions are a crucial component of C#'s support for functional programming capabilities, even though the language is largely object-oriented. We'll go into the realm of lambda expressions and functional programming in C# in...

What Are The Benefits Of Functional Programming Over Object Oriented Programming?

In the world of programming, developers use different techniques known as programming paradigms to make their code more efficient and effective. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP) are two of the most commonly used paradigms, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will delve into the benefits...

Advantages Of Functional Programming With C# Examples

Functional programming (FP) is a programming paradigm that emphasizes on the use of functions to solve problems, rather than focusing on state and mutable data. In recent years, FP has gained popularity among developers due to its numerous advantages, which make it suitable for developing complex systems. In this blog post, we'll explore the...

Is JavaScript a Functional Programming Language?

Over the past few years, functional programming has become more and more well-liked. Functional programming has experienced a resurgence among developers as a result of the adoption of its concepts in languages like Python and Java. Some contemporary languages, such as Clojure and Haskel, are almost entirely functional. Multi-paradigm languages have always been a feature...