Tag - SQL Server

Mastering SQL Server Advanced Features Every DBA Should Know

Mastering SQL Server: Advanced Features Every DBA Should Know

Table of ContentsIntroductionUnderstanding Indexing Strategies in SQL Server1. Clustered Indexes2. Non-Clustered Indexes3. Filtered Indexes4. Covering IndexesOptimizing Query Performance1. Understanding Execution Plans2. Query Hints3. Updating Statistics4. Index Maintenance5. Query RewriteImplementing Advanced Security Measures1. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)2. Always Encrypted3. Row-Level Security (RLS)4. Dynamic Data MaskingHigh Availability and Disaster Recovery Solutions1. Always On Availability Groups2. Log...

Understanding the Power of DISTINCT in SQL Server Queries

SQL is an integral part of data management in the realm of relational databases in the world. The most popular SQL keyword used is DISTINCT that filters out and select only unique values in a data set. This detailed guide will discuss all the strengths and weaknesses of SQL Distinct in regards to SQL server, its...

What are some common uses for views in SQL databases?

Views in SQL databases are essentially virtual tables that are built from SELECT query results. Instead of actually storing data, they offer a mechanism to show data from one or more tables in an organized form. Views are used for a number of things, such to increase security, show data more effectively, and simplify...

Database Management Made Easy: Monitoring Autogrowth Settings in SQL Server

Within the domain of database administration, SQL Server has established itself as a staple, providing support to numerous systems and programs. Maintenance is a requirement even for the most efficient tools; ensuring they are optimized is crucial for maximizing their potential. Despite its importance, autoincrement settings and their monitoring are often disregarded elements of...

Mastering Joins in SQL Server: Inner, Outer, Left, and Right Explained

One of the most basic actions when working with relational databases is joining data from different tables. Understanding these join types is crucial for successful and efficient database querying since SQL Server provides a variety of join types to accommodate varied circumstances. We'll examine the various join types available in SQL Server in this...

SQL SERVER – Finding the Last Used Stored Procedure

In the realm of SQL Server, memory management plays a crucial role in optimizing database performance. Monitoring and tracking the usage of stored procedures is essential for identifying performance bottlenecks and improving overall efficiency. In this blog post, we will delve into a SQL Server query that allows you to retrieve the last used...

Key Differences Between Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL

There are a few well-known names that come to mind when selecting a relational database management system (RDBMS) for your company: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Understanding the fundamental distinctions between these RDBMS solutions can help you choose the one that is ideal for your particular use case. Each of these RDBMS solutions...

How To Optimize An SQL Query In A Django Application?

Django is a popular web framework that allows you to quickly build web applications. It uses an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to interact with the database. While Django provides a powerful ORM, it's important to optimize your SQL queries to ensure your application runs smoothly. In this blog post, we'll explore some techniques to optimize...

How To Secure Your REST API?

With the proliferation of web and mobile applications, REST APIs have become the de facto standard for enabling communication between systems. As such, securing your REST API is crucial to protect your application and user data from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. In this post, we'll explore best practices for securing your REST API. Use...

Best Way To Store Historical Statistical Data About Users

Websites and applications today gather a ton of information about users, including search and visit history. Businesses looking to enhance their goods and services may find this data to be of great value, but storing it can be difficult. We'll go over the best ways to archive historical statistical information about users in this...