Tag - mvc

Best Backend Frameworks For The Year 2022

Development of software is evolving. Backend frameworks are among the many elements, and they are also one of the more intriguing ones. The best backend frameworks support the development of online solutions, which are becoming more and more well-liked by consumers due to subscription-based business models or web-based iterations of mobile applications. What is...

Minimum Viable Architecture Or Just Enough Architecture

Many software architects struggle with over-architecture because they attempt to design the entire product up front. They attempt to anticipate what might be required in a year, but in the vast majority of cases, their work is thrown out because it was based on speculation rather than actual needs. What is Minimum Viable Architecture? The architecture...

Getting Started With Mobile Application Architecture

High competitiveness motivates businesses to constantly improve their services, making them more convenient, faster, and easier to access. Building a mobile application is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness and gain a desired position in customers' mobile devices. According to Statista, there are 3.5 billion mobile phone users worldwide in 2020,...

Getting Started With Software Architectural Patterns

Have you ever wondered how large enterprise scale systems are built? Before we begin major software development, we must select an architecture that will provide us with the desired functionality and quality attributes. As a result, before applying different architectures to our design, we should first understand them. What is an Architectural Pattern? According to Wikipedia, An...