Tag - object-oriented programming

JavaScript Factory Design Pattern A Comprehensive Guide

JavaScript Factory Design Pattern: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of ContentsIntroductionIntroduction to Design PatternsWhat Are Design Patterns?The Importance of Design PatternsCommon Types of Design Patterns1. Creational PatternsSingleton PatternFactory Method Pattern2. Structural PatternsDecorator PatternAdapter Pattern3. Behavioral PatternsObserver PatternStrategy PatternUnderstanding the Factory Design PatternWhat is the Factory Design Pattern?Simple Factory PatternFactory Method PatternAbstract Factory PatternBuilding Blocks of JavaScript Factory Design Pattern1. Constructors and Prototypes2....

JavaScript Design Patterns Unleashed Amplifying Code Quality and Performance

JavaScript Design Patterns Unleashed: Amplifying Code Quality and Performance

Table of ContentsIntroductionChapter 1: Understanding the Foundation1.1 What Are Design Patterns?Definition:Code Example:1.2 Benefits of Design PatternsAdvantages:Code Example:1.3 Setting the Stage for Design Pattern ImplementationPrerequisites:Chapter 2: The Singleton Pattern2.1 Singleton Pattern OverviewPrinciples:Code Example:2.2 Implementing Singleton in JavaScriptLazy Instantiation:Code Example:2.3 Best Practices and Common PitfallsBest Practices:Common Pitfalls:2.4 Real-world Applications of SingletonScenario: Configuration ManagementCode Example:Chapter 3: The...

Main Software Design Principles Every Developer Should Know

In the dynamic world of software development, mastering design principles is akin to laying a solid foundation for a building. Just as a sturdy foundation ensures stability and longevity, understanding and applying software design principles ensures your applications are scalable, maintainable, and adaptable. In this article, we'll explore the essential software design principles that...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 16: class

Programming languages like C# are flexible and support many different paradigms, including object-oriented programming. Classes are the cornerstone of object-oriented programming in C#, allowing programmers to write modular, reusable code. In this article, we'll examine some code examples and go deeper into C#'s "class" keyword. What is a class in C#? In C#, a class is...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 7: base

C# is a popular programming language that is widely used for building Windows applications, web applications, games, and much more. One of the essential features of C# is the base keyword. In this blog post, we will explore the base keyword in C# and its usage with code examples. What is the base keyword in...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 2: add

In C#, the "add" keyword is used to define an accessor method for an event. Events in C# are a powerful feature that allow you to define a notification mechanism that can be used to signal the occurrence of an important event in your program. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 1: abstract

The use of abstract classes and methods is one of the powerful features supported by the object-oriented programming language C#. In this article, we'll examine the "abstract" keyword in C# in greater detail and consider how it might be utilized to produce more adaptable and extendable code. An abstract class is what? A class that can't...