Tag - .NET

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 96: virtual

C# is an object-oriented programming language that provides the "virtual" keyword to enable polymorphism and runtime method invocation. In this blog post, we will discuss the use of "virtual" in C# and provide code examples to illustrate its behavior. What is the "virtual" keyword in C#? The keyword "virtual" can be used in C# to change...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 95: var

Developers like C# because it is a robust programming language with a wide range of capabilities. The "var" keyword is one such feature that enables type inference and improves code readability. This blog article will discuss the C# "var" keyword and offer some code examples to demonstrate how to use it. What is the "var"...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 94: value

Many developers utilize the robust and adaptable programming language C# to build a variety of apps. The usage of keywords in C#, which offer a convenient method to refer to particular programming concepts, is one of the characteristics that contribute to the language's adaptability. The term "value," which is one of these keywords, is...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 93: using

It is simpler for developers to build effective and efficient code thanks to the rich capabilities of the programming language C#. One such feature is the "using" keyword, which offers a convenient way to handle namespace declarations and object disposal in your code. In this blog article, we'll look more closely at how to construct...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 92: ushort

C# is a powerful programming language that offers a wide range of data types for developers to use in their applications. One of these data types is the "ushort" keyword, which stands for "unsigned short integer." In this blog post, we will explore what "ushort" is, how it differs from other data types, and...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 91: unsafe

C# is a powerful programming language that provides developers with a wide range of tools and features to create robust and efficient applications. One of these features is the "unsafe" keyword, which allows developers to bypass the normal type checking and memory management mechanisms of the runtime and directly manipulate memory. While using the "unsafe"...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 90: unchecked

Strongly typed C# has several safety measures to aid in preventing runtime problems. It could be required to disable these safety safeguards and permit uncontrolled arithmetic operations in some circumstances, though. The term "unchecked" is useful in this situation. The "unchecked" keyword is used to designate that no overflow checking should be done during an...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 89: ulong

C# is a strongly-typed language that provides a wide range of data types to cater to different needs. One such data type is "ulong", which is short for "unsigned long". In this blog post, we will explore the "ulong" keyword in C# and how it can be used in code with examples. What is "ulong"...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 88: uint

C# is an immensely popular object-oriented programming language used extensively for developing a diverse range of software applications, be it desktop, web, or mobile. C# provides a plethora of data types to store various types of values, with uint being one such type. In this blog post, we will provide a detailed discussion of...