
Getting Started With Drone Programming

What is Drone Programming? Drone programming is the process of controlling a drone using a remote controller. Drone programming can be done using a variety of different programming languages and platforms. Why would someone want to learn drone programming? There are a number of reasons why someone might want to learn drone programming. Some people may want...

Machine Learning Algorithms Explained

Many companies' business processes have undergone significant changes as a result of machine learning. And we're not just talking about futuristic products like Siri and Amazon Echo, or companies like Google and Microsoft that invest heavily in R&D programs. In reality, almost any Fortune 500 company benefits from machine learning by making more money...

What Is Digital Transformation?

Whether or not you've heard of the term "digital transformation," you can bet those around you have since the 1990s, when the dot-com bubble was at its peak. After roughly 30 years, global spending on digital transformation initiatives has surpassed two trillion dollars in 2019. The world is changing faster than you can imagine these...

Everything You Need to Know About ERP

Growing businesses eventually reach a point where spreadsheets are no longer adequate. That's where enterprise resource planning software comes in: ERP systems collect and organize critical business data, allowing organizations to maintain lean, efficient operations even as they grow. Most business professionals have heard the term "ERP," but they may not fully comprehend what enterprise...

What Are the Reasons for the High Demand for IoT Technology?

IoT (Internet of Things) technology was already making ripples before it was officially launched. It has made its mark in the real world with a variety of industrial and consumer applications. Businesses that use IoT technology now account for 25% of all businesses, up from 13% in 2014. The overall number of connected IoT...

What is Web 3.0?

What has been a remarkably beneficial technology for approximately 3 billion people during 80 percent of their daily waking hours? Web 2.0. O'Reilly and others coined the term "Web 2.0" several years ago, between 1999 and 2004. It was responsible for transforming the world from static web pages on our desktops designed to provide information and...

The long goodbye of third-party cookies

Third-party cookies have been doomed for a long time. Cookies have been the subject of debate since their inception in 1994, with concerns raised about their privacy implications and potential misuse. Nonetheless, they have persisted, unloved but indispensable. However, it appears that the death knell for third-party cookies has finally been rung, with both...

How to Build On-Demand Delivery App?

On-demand delivery apps are causing havoc in one industry after another. Uber, which began as a taxi hailing app, is now used for everything from grocery shopping to healthcare. The rise of on-demand apps is the driving force behind every type of business, regardless of the product or service it provides, looking to develop an...

Soft Skills That Every Software Developer Should Have

Spending on enterprise IT software is expected to reach $550 billion by 2022. While there is a high demand for software developers around the world, competition for top positions is strong. As a result, professional software developers must distinguish themselves by possessing certain characteristics and skills. Prior to developing and testing software, software developers typically...

Few things to do to improve your Cybersecurity posture

Encrypt your data COVID-19 has completely changed the way we work. Employees now work from home on their personal gadgets. This is a tendency that will continue. Security must be enforced on all devices, whether at the office and at home. Data should be kept in an encrypted format on all personal devices and IoT...