Author - Amr Saafan

Cloud Application Development

The global demand for Cloud-based applications has increased significantly. As a result, the need for Cloud application development has skyrocketed. As a result, the Cloud computing business has been consolidating in recent years. Almost everyone uses cloud apps and services, either directly or indirectly. Businesses have grown their use of Cloud-based apps and services, even...

Git vs. GitHub vs. GitLab

Both GitHub and GitLab are Git repositories that will help you with development and refining. Which is best for your company? Modification. Collaboration. Amendments. Continuous enhancement. All of these are essential components of the software development life cycle (SDLC). You're always looking for methods to make the SDLC easier, more efficient, and more accessible to...

Accounting Module Functions in ERP System

Accounts is a critical department in any corporation. To put it simply, you cannot manage a firm without accounting functions. It is critical to understand the cash flow among departments, as well as assess profit and loss, Ledger reports, and TDS computations. These data should be easily accessible and accurate in order to understand...

Docker Alternatives You Should Know About

If your organization intends to develop apps for Windows, you should think about the Universal Windows Platform.Containers are the future of app and service deployment for any firm looking to transition to an agile software development paradigm. Containers not only make app deployment much easier, but they also make it much easier to create...

What is A/B testing?

How do you determine which modifications to your product or service would improve its performance? If you still rely on your preferences, intuition, or market research, you should read this post right away! A/B testing is the most effective method for satisfying your customers and increasing your revenue! In 2008, a Microsoft employee had an...

Everything You Need To Know About ERP Modules

ERP modules are quite helpful in establishing a high-level perspective of a department. This article contains some of the most popular business modules. As technology advances, many businesses are shifting away from traditional spreadsheets and toward sophisticated, SaaS-based software solutions for data management. The increased use of ERP software is one example of this. Enterprise...

How Web Applications Works?

Architecture for web applications. What is concealed by this idea? How do web apps function? And which patterns ought to you use in your upcoming project? Let's investigate. The basis is important whether you're making a pizza or a house. If you don't want your house to fall apart in a year, you need to...

Unlocking the Potential of Augmented Reality

As a potential business investment, augmented reality (AR) is already a very potent instrument for assisting businesses in increasing operational productivity. Through the use of augmented reality in marketing, companies can provide consumers one-of-a-kind, immersive digital experiences that also creatively engage them. In this post, we'll learn how augmented reality (AR) technology is altering the...

Reasons Why ERP Projects Fail

A contemporary ERP solution can unleash astounding new efficiencies, offer priceless new capabilities, deliver crucial insight, and ultimately supercharge your business. However, it is one of the most difficult, time-consuming, and risky projects your company has ever taken on. And it's simple to make errors that will lead to failure, like these. 1) The project...

What Is Data Extraction?

Have you ever wondered what exactly data extraction is? Data gathering and analysis are more important than ever for business. A wide variety of data sources are used by modern organizations to gather information, but these sources frequently contain different types of data or raw data that must be transformed before machine learning and...