Tag - Agile

Getting Started With CI/CD Pipeline

The explosion of cloud computing has resulted in the rapid development of software programs and applications. The ability to deliver features more quickly is now a competitive advantage. To accomplish this, your DevOps teams, structure, and ecosystem must be well-oiled. As a result, it is critical to understand how to construct an ideal CI/CD pipeline...

Coding Skills That Every Developer Should Have

Coding skills are essential for any developer. They allow you to create programs and websites that interact with computers. There are a variety of coding languages and tools that you can use to develop your skills. You can learn the basics of coding by working with a free coding platform or learning code through...

Project Management Success Factors For Startups

Consider a beautiful tree that has the potential to bear fruit every season. It does not come for free; you must care for it. Water the seedling, provide shelter from extreme weather, and keep pests at bay. Manage your resources so that they can last for several months. The same is true for effective...

Gathering Software Project Requirements

You may have heard a lot about Elon Musk, who is putting together a team to fly to Mars. What happens if their Starship deviates from its original course by just a fraction of a degree? It would be a miracle if they didn't hit Pluto instead of Mars. They'll most likely fly away...

Agile vs V-Shaped

Two of the most popular life cycle models are agile and V-shaped. Today, we'll examine their relative strengths and the types of problems they solve. When discussing a new project with a client, one of the most common questions I hear is, "When will it be finished?" In the most literal sense, the answer is...

Mobile Application Development Roadmap

When creating a mobile app from scratch, you will inevitably face the challenge of transforming your initial concept into a viable implementation strategy. A product manager plays an important role in this process: their mission is to ensure that the work of everyone involved in product development is synchronized and coherent. A mobile app...

DevOps and Microservices

What is Microservices? There are numerous definitions for microservices, but in its most basic form, a microservice is a type of software architecture. The modules are broken down into very small services (microservice). Each service will be placed on its own server, making it easier to upgrade and scale. Microservices differ from monolith architecture in that...

Best Practices for QA Testing

Is your current testing process catching every bug before each new release? Do you believe that testing is holding you back? These best QA practices will alter how you integrate testing into your development process. Let's look at agile methodology and how it can help you improve speed, scale, and coverage. QA Testing in numbers $1.7 Trillion...

Devops Best Practices

Aren't there various, different combinations all around us that help us complete our daily duties more quickly and easily? Speaking from a technological POV (Point of View), some pairings are advantageous while others are simply odd. DevOps is a very gifted combination in the technological environment, and many generations are grateful for this invention....

Technical Skills Every Software Tester Should Master

DevOps has gained popularity as a methodology, and the modern software development cycle includes real-time updates and modifications, making testing an ongoing task. In order to deal with rapid product releases, contemporary QA trends emphasize the usage of low-code/no-code testing solutions and CI/CD tools. The technical proficiency of testers must be improved, and they must...