Tag - .NET

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 76: short

Popular programming language C# is used a lot in the creation of applications. It offers developers a variety of tools to help them write effective and efficient code. The "short" keyword, which is used to declare a variable of type short, is one of these characteristics. The "short" keyword in C# will be covered...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 75: set

C# is an object-oriented programming language that offers a variety of features to enhance the development process. One such feature is the "set" keyword. In this blog post, we'll explore what the "set" keyword is, how it works, and some code examples. What is the "set" keyword? The "set" keyword is used in C# to define...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 74: select

C# is a highly adaptable programming language that empowers developers to design potent and effective applications. Among the various functionalities of C#, the "select" keyword is a widely used feature in LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) statements that enable the filtration and modification of data. The primary focus of this blog post is to delve into...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 73: sealed

The "sealed" keyword in C# is used to limit a class's or a member's ability to inherit from another class. A class or member thereof that has the designation "sealed" cannot be inherited by another class or overridden by a derived class. We will examine the C# term "sealed" and instances of its usage...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 71: return

C# is a powerful programming language that provides developers with a wide range of tools to create robust and efficient applications. One of the fundamental constructs in C# is the "return" keyword. In this blog post, we will discuss the various uses of the "return" keyword and provide code examples to illustrate each scenario. The...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 70: remove

The majority of you probably know what delegates are and how they relate to events. Do you know that event accessors may be used to encapsulate events in addition to these ideas? If not, this article will assist you in comprehending event accessors' uses and benefits. Contextual keywords add and remove stand in for event...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 69: ref

Powerful programming language C# offers a number of features to make the development process simpler. The "ref" keyword is one of these characteristics since it enables you to pass a variable by reference rather than by value. We will examine the "ref" keyword in C# and several instances of its usage in this blog...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 68: readonly

In C#, the readonly keyword is used to declare that a field or variable can only be assigned a value once, either at the time of declaration or in the constructor of the class where it's defined. Once assigned, the value cannot be changed for the lifetime of the instance. Here's a brief explanation and...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 67: public

The "public" keyword in C# is used to specify the accessibility of a class member or type. When a member or type is marked as public, it can be accessed from any code that has access to the class or type. This keyword is an important part of encapsulation in object-oriented programming, as it...