Tag - OOP

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 29: explicit

In the realm of programming, C# stands as an object-oriented language that empowers developers to create their own data types, methods, and properties. An essential element of C# is its capacity to convert data types explicitly by employing the "explicit" keyword. The present blog article is devoted to investigating the concept of the "explicit"...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 28: equals

C# is a programming language that is widely used by developers, as it comes with various tools and features that aid them in creating efficient and effective code. Among these features is the "equals" keyword, which is utilized to compare two objects for equality. In this blog post, we'll delve into the specifics of...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 27: enum

C# is a potent programming language that equips developers with a multitude of instruments to develop efficient and scalable code. Among these tools lies the "enum" keyword. This blog article delves into the workings of enums, their purpose and functionality, and their practical applications within C#. What is an enum in C#? An enum is a...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 26: else

The "else" keyword in C# is employed in conditional statements to furnish an alternate code block for execution in the event that the condition specified in the "if" statement is false. This blog post delves into the "else" keyword in greater depth and presents several code examples to illustrate its usage. The fundamental syntax for...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 25: dynamic

C# is a potent programming language that provides developers with an array of features. One of these features is the "dynamic" keyword, which permits dynamic typing during runtime. This blog post will examine the "dynamic" keyword in C# and furnish some code examples to demonstrate its usage. What is the "dynamic" keyword in C#? When declaring...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 24: double

C# is a powerful programming language that provides a wide range of data types to work with. One of the most commonly used data types in C# is the "double" keyword. In this blog post, we will explore the "double" keyword in C# and provide some code examples to help you better understand how...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 21: delegate

Developers have a lot of freedom when it comes to defining functions and passing them around as variables thanks to C#'s powerful syntax. The "delegate" keyword, which enables programmers to define a type that represents a function with a particular signature, is one of the most helpful features in this respect. We'll examine the...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 20: default

The "default" expression in C# is used to set a variable's default value at initialization time. When working with generic classes or resetting a variable to its initial value after use, it is especially helpful. The "default" term will be discussed in detail in this article, along with its usage in some sample code. What...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 19: decimal

Programming languages like C# are strong and useful for a variety of projects, from desktop and web applications to video games and smartphone apps. The fact that C# supports a variety of data types, including the "decimal" keyword, is one of its important features. We'll examine the "decimal" keyword in this blog post, discuss...