Tag - OOP

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 42: if

In C#, the "if" keyword is a crucial control statement that allows you to conditionally execute code based on an expression or a set of expressions. In this article, we will delve into the "if" keyword in C# and offer examples to assist you in comprehending its functionality. Syntax of the "if" keyword: The syntax of...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 41: group

C# is a powerful programming language that is widely used by developers across the globe. One of its unique features is the "group" keyword, which allows developers to group objects based on a common property. In this blog post, we will explore the "group" keyword in C# with code examples. The "group" keyword in C#...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 40: goto

The "goto" keyword in C# is a control transfer statement that allows you to transfer control to a labeled statement within the same method, block, or switch statement. While the use of the "goto" statement can simplify code in some scenarios, it can also create spaghetti code and make it difficult to maintain. In...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 39: global

The C# language is an object-oriented programming language that is widely utilized in conjunction with the .NET framework to build a diverse range of applications, such as desktop and mobile apps, web applications, and games. This blog post delves into the "global" keyword in C#, which eases the process of accessing variables defined in...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 38: get

C# is a powerful and versatile programming language that has a wide range of features to offer developers. One such feature is the "get" keyword, which is used to retrieve the value of a variable or property. In this blog post, we will explore the "get" keyword in C# with code examples to help...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 37: from

Popular programming language C# is frequently employed in the creation of contemporary apps. The "from" keyword, which may be used in LINQ (Language Integrated Query) queries to get data from collections or other data sources, is one of the features of the C# programming language. We will examine the "from" keyword and its applications...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 36: foreach

C# is a programming language that is popularly used for developing different types of applications, including desktop, web, and mobile apps. It is an object-oriented language that incorporates the "foreach" keyword, which makes it simple and effective to iterate over collections like arrays, lists, and dictionaries. This article delves into the "foreach" keyword, providing...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 34: float

C# is a well-known programming language that is utilized for creating various types of applications. The "float" keyword is a crucial data type in C#, as it denotes single-precision floating-point numbers. This article will delve into the "float" keyword in C# comprehensively, presenting code samples to clarify its implementation. What is a float in C#? In...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 30: extern

C# is a widely-used programming language with strong capabilities that allow for the creation of diverse applications. One of C#'s intriguing features is the "extern" keyword. This keyword serves to indicate that a field or method is defined externally to the current program. In this blog post, we will delve into the "extern" keyword...