Tag - VB.NET

Show alert or run JavaScript function after showing the appointment popup in DevExpress using VB.NET

You should handle the CustomJSProperties event and add in properties collection the script which you are going to run it.Please find below server side code: Dim script As String = Nothing Dim disablePopup As Boolean = false Protected Sub ASPxScheduler1_AppointmentFormShowing(sender As Object, e As AppointmentFormEventArgs) Handles ASPxScheduler1.AppointmentFormShowing e.Container = New...

String functions StartsWith and EndsWith are case-sensitive in .NET

Did you know that String functions StartsWith and EndsWith are case-sensitive even in VB.NET? You will need to make sure you are looking for the correct string, since 'abc' with case-sensitivity is different than 'ABC'. So, if your function is looking for 'abc', you must make sure that you make adjustments to the string, in...