Tag - RESTful API

Ruby on Rails Your Gateway to Seamless Web Development with Postgres on Supabase

Ruby on Rails: Your Gateway to Seamless Web Development with Postgres on Supabase

Table of ContentsIntroductionIntroduction to Ruby on Rails1. Installation and Setup:2. Creating Your First Controller and View:3. Defining Routes:4. Starting the Server:5. Models and Databases:6. Conclusion:Building a Solid Database Foundation with Postgres1. Installation and Configuration:2. Creating a Model:3. CRUD Operations:4. Associations:5. Querying with ActiveRecord:6. Conclusion:Supabase: A Game-Changer for Web Developers1. Getting Started with Supabase:2. Installing...

The Power Path to Microservices Integration in Angular

The Power Path to Microservices Integration in Angular

Table of ContentsIntroductionUnderstanding MicroservicesWhat are Microservices?Benefits of Microservices ArchitectureChallenges of Microservices ArchitectureMicroservices and Angular: A Synergistic ApproachWhy Angular for Microservices Integration?1. Modular Structure2. Two-Way Data Binding and Reactive Programming3. Dependency Injection4. Rich UI Components5. TypeScript Language SupportAngular and Microservices: A Synergetic DuoSetting Up Your Angular Environment1. Installing Angular CLI2. Verifying the Installation3. Creating a...

RESTful vs. RPC: Comparing Two Distinct API Architectural Approaches

Developers have a wide range of architectural styles to pick from when it comes to creating and implementing APIs. Representational State Transfer (REST) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) are two popular choices. Both strategies have their own advantages, disadvantages, and applications. With the use of practical C# code samples, we will examine the distinctions...