Tag - software development services

Non-Functional Requirements In Software Development

Users frequently have expectations for how well software applications should function in terms of performance level, usability, availability, speed at which its functionalities execute, likelihood of failure, security against unauthorized access, and ability to effectively handle unforeseen circumstances if they may arise. The term "quality attributes of Non-functional Requirements" or "Quality of Service Requirements" refers...

Best Time For Outsourcing Your Software Development

The art of outsourcing A skill that relatively few people have mastered is outsourcing. Despite being widespread and widely recognized, there is something that sets some of the practice apart from the rest. The ideal circumstances and steps for outsourcing are those. Two factors motivate businesses to outsource: 1. To acquire a better skill-set for a...

How to Lead and Inspire a Software Development Team

Leading a software development team can be a complex and challenging task. There are a number of steps that you can take to help ensure that your team is successful and aligned with your vision. Establishing a clear expectations and boundaries, It is essential that you set clear expectations for your team and communicate...

Developing a SaaS Application

For many businesses, providing services online is more than just a marketing trend. This creates new opportunities for businesses, allowing them to rapidly expand their customer base, enter new markets, and increase their revenue. Moving online has also become more valuable to software developers. Companies that have long provided solutions in the form of...