Tag - code reusability

What are some common uses for views in SQL databases?

Views in SQL databases are essentially virtual tables that are built from SELECT query results. Instead of actually storing data, they offer a mechanism to show data from one or more tables in an organized form. Views are used for a number of things, such to increase security, show data more effectively, and simplify...

Tips for Writing Clean and Maintainable Code Using C#

Writing clean and maintainable code is crucial for the long-term success of any software project. Clean code not only makes it easier to understand and modify the codebase but also reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs and improves collaboration among team members. In this blog post, we will explore some essential tips and best...

Calling Function With Another Function As A Parameter In JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful language that offers a variety of features to make your code more flexible and reusable. One of these features is the ability to pass functions as parameters to other functions. This functionality is commonly used in callbacks, event handlers, and higher-order functions, and can be extremely useful in a variety...