Author - Esraa Shaheen

The Ultimate Guide to Vertical and Horizontal Div Centering

The Ultimate Guide to Vertical and Horizontal Div Centering

Table of ContentsSection 1: Understanding the Box ModelSection 2: Horizontal Centering Div TechniquesSection 3: Vertical Centering Div Techniques Web design div centering is an essential skill that all developers need to learn. Reaching precise alignment is frequently difficult, regardless of whether you're aligning material horizontally, vertically, or both. We'll go deep into the methods and...

HTML Hacks 10 Tips to Build Better Websites

HTML Hacks: 10 Tips to Build Better Websites

Table of Contents1- Semantic HTML: Elevating Accessibility and SEOElevating Accessibility with Semantic HTML:Enhancing SEO with Semantic HTML:2- Responsive Design: Ensuring Cross-Device CompatibilityUsing CSS Media Queries:Fluid Layouts with Percentage Widths:Flexbox and Grid for Flexible Layouts:3- Accessible Forms: Enhancing Usability for All1. Use Semantic HTML:2. Provide Descriptive Labels:3. Use Accessible Input Types:4. Include Placeholder Text:5. Add...

CSS Future Advancing with Functions and Mixins

CSS Future: Advancing with Functions and Mixins

Table of ContentsIntroductionChapter 1: Understanding CSS Functions and Mixins1.1 Functions1.2 Mixins1.3 Benefits of Functions and MixinsChapter 2: Advantages of CSS Functions and Mixins2.1 Reusability2.2 Modularity2.3 FlexibilityChapter 3: CSS Practical Applications3.1 Responsive Typography3.2 Design Systems3.3 Responsive LayoutsChapter 4: CSS Best Practices and Considerations4.1 Keep Functions Pure4.2 Use Mixins Sparingly4.3 Optimize Performance Introduction Although web development is always...

A Comprehensive Guide to Clocks and Countdowns in CSS and JavaScript

Every second matters in the changing world of web development. Not just useful tools, clocks and countdowns also captivate users and provide information in an engaging and aesthetically appealing way. Understanding the art of clocks and countdowns in CSS and JavaScript is a crucial ability whether you want to construct a striking countdown for...

Architecting Angular: A Guide to Effective Project Structure

The project structure is essential for maintaining maintainability, scalability, and code organization while developing Angular apps. A well-designed project structure may facilitate developer cooperation, make debugging easier, and boost the entire development process. In order to help you build a strong foundation for your application, we will examine recommended practices for designing your Angular...

Angular vs React: Which One Would You Recommend To Use For An Enterprise Application?

Because they are so complex, enterprise applications need the usage of strong tools to achieve exceptional performance and scalability. Among developers and businesses, Angular and React are two of the most well-liked JavaScript frameworks. Which framework is more effective for creating corporate apps, despite the fact that both have advantages and disadvantages? We'll go...

Understanding Internal Properties in JavaScript Classes: Examples and Best Practices

JavaScript classes are a fundamental tool for organizing and encapsulating code, and the use of internal properties is a powerful way to take your coding skills to the next level. In this blog post, we will explore some examples of internal properties in JavaScript classes, and how they can help you create more robust...

Calling Function With Another Function As A Parameter In JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful language that offers a variety of features to make your code more flexible and reusable. One of these features is the ability to pass functions as parameters to other functions. This functionality is commonly used in callbacks, event handlers, and higher-order functions, and can be extremely useful in a variety...

Difference Between Mounting And Rendering A Component In Vue.JS

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces and single-page applications. One of the core concepts in Vue.js is components, which are reusable building blocks that encapsulate functionality and structure. When working with Vue.js components, you may come across two terms: mounting and rendering. In this blog post, we will discuss...

How Does React Handle Server-Side Rendering?

React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It is known for its fast rendering, efficient updates, and easy component-based architecture. However, one of the challenges of using React is server-side rendering (SSR), which involves rendering the React components on the server-side before sending the HTML to the client. Server-side rendering has...