Tag - Containerization

10 Docker Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

10 Docker Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

Table of ContentsIntroductionUse Official Docker Images Whenever PossibleMinimize the Number of Layers in Your Docker ImageOptimize Docker Image SizeUse .dockerignore to Exclude Unnecessary FilesUse Docker Compose for Multi-Container ApplicationsUse Docker Volumes for Persistent DataLimit Resource Usage with Docker Resource ConstraintsSecure Your Docker EnvironmentMonitor and Debug Docker ContainersAutomate Docker Workflow with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)Conclusion Introduction Docker...

Docker vs. Kubernetes: Understanding the Key Differences

Two key actors emerge in the containerization and orchestration space: Docker and Kubernetes. The landscape of application development, management, and deployment has undergone a revolution because to these technologies. Understanding the main differences between Kubernetes and Docker is vital, though. This blog article will examine their key differences and provide you with concrete code...

Breaking Down Microservice Architecture: Components and Concepts

Microservice architecture has become a potent paradigm in the constantly changing world of software development, changing the way we create and design online applications. This ground-breaking method divides large, complex systems into manageable chunks and has several advantages in terms of scalability, adaptability, and maintainability. We'll go deeply into the elements and ideas that...