Tag - lambda expressions

Functional Programming in C# with Lambda Expressions

Programming paradigms such as functional programming prevent changeable data and changing states by treating computing as the execution of mathematical functions. Lambda expressions are a crucial component of C#'s support for functional programming capabilities, even though the language is largely object-oriented. We'll go into the realm of lambda expressions and functional programming in C# in...

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 48: into

C# is a popular and modern object-oriented programming language that offers many features to developers for creating efficient and scalable applications. Among these features is the "into" keyword, which allows developers to transform a collection of items into a new collection with a different type. This blog post will delve into the "into" keyword in...

Advantages Of Functional Programming With C# Examples

Functional programming (FP) is a programming paradigm that emphasizes on the use of functions to solve problems, rather than focusing on state and mutable data. In recent years, FP has gained popularity among developers due to its numerous advantages, which make it suitable for developing complex systems. In this blog post, we'll explore the...