Tag - Software Development

What Are The Benefits Of Using The Amazing Model-View-Controller (MVC) Framework In ASP.NET Development?

What Are The Benefits Of Using The Amazing Model-View-Controller (MVC) Framework In ASP.NET Development?

Table of ContentsIntroductionSeparation of Concerns (SoC) in ASP.NETModel (Data and Business Logic):View (User Interface):Controller (User Input and Interaction): Code ReusabilityController Base Classes: Helper Classes: Partial Views:Custom HTML Helpers:TestabilityDependency Injection:Unit Testing Controllers:Separation of Concerns:Mocking: Integration Testing: Parallel DevelopmentDivide Work Among Teams:Use Feature Branches in Version Control:Decoupled Architecture:API Contracts for Frontend and Backend:Asynchronous Programming:Automated Testing:Flexibility and...

A Developer's Guide to Converting C# Lambda Queries into SQL Stored Procedures

A Developer’s Guide to Converting C# Lambda Queries into SQL Stored Procedures

Table of ContentsIntroductionUnderstanding the Need for ConversionThe Power of C# Lambda QueriesAdvantages of SQL Stored ProceduresIdentifying Conversion OpportunitiesStep-by-Step Conversion Process1. Identify Target Queries2. Understand Data Requirements3. Create Stored Procedure Skeleton4. Translate Query Logic5. Handle Transactions6. Optimize for Performance7. Error Handling8. Testing9. Integration with C# Code10. Document the Conversion11. Version Control12. Performance MonitoringRealizing the Impact:...

Looping Through HTML Nodes with C#

For developers working with online applications, navigating through HTML nodes is an essential ability, and C# offers strong tools to make this process easy. We will examine several methods and best practices for using C# to loop through HTML nodes in this extensive article. After completing this course, you will have the necessary expertise...

IT Staff Augmentation Strategies for Success

The demand for superior level IT labor force has never been greater in the world of high speed business operations. Companies usually face difficulty in sourcing for experienced individuals who will be able to serve them competitively. The challenges have brought up a strategic answer known as IT staff augmentation, and among companies supplying this response,...

Functional Programming in C# with Lambda Expressions

Programming paradigms such as functional programming prevent changeable data and changing states by treating computing as the execution of mathematical functions. Lambda expressions are a crucial component of C#'s support for functional programming capabilities, even though the language is largely object-oriented. We'll go into the realm of lambda expressions and functional programming in C# in...

Enhance Your ASP.NET MVC Website with Gutenberg Block Editor

For developers looking to create an engaging and dynamic online presence, ASP.NET MVC has shown to be a reliable platform. However, adding the Gutenberg Block Editor to your ASP.NET MVC website can be the ideal way to advance your web development abilities and deliver your consumers a remarkable content creation experience. We'll look at how...

The Circuit Breaker Pattern: Safeguarding Microservices in Your Architecture

Microservices have completely changed how applications are developed and implemented. They let us to disassemble large, complex systems into smaller, more manageable parts, each with a distinct function. But managing the interconnections between these services is a task that comes along with this additional freedom. When it comes to protecting your microservices architecture and...

Getting Started with Blazor: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Microsoft's cutting-edge Blazor web framework has revolutionized the online development industry. Its ability to create web apps using C# and .NET has made it a well-liked option for developers. You've come to the correct place if you're keen to learn about Blazor and are new to it. We'll walk you through the fundamentals and...

ASP.NET MVC Controller vs. Web API: Understanding the Key Differences

ASP.NET developers often face a common dilemma when building web applications: which should be employed; ASP.NET MVC controllers or Web API handling their application’s logic and serving of data. This blog post will examine distinct features of ASP.NET MVC Controllers vs. Web API; also, some C# code case studies. ASP.NET MVC Controller: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework in...

Understanding the Bubble Sort Algorithm

Computer science, programming and sorting is an essential operation. This is the practice of placing items or data into an organized fashion usually based on increasing or decreasing values so that information can be easily navigated through and worked with. Different sorting algorithms can be taken up, each providing one benefit or another. The simplest sorting algorithm...