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Software Engineers Tools That Supercharge Productivity

Software Engineers: Tools That Supercharge Productivity

Table of ContentsIntroductionSection 1: Code Editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)1.1 Visual Studio Code1.2 Sublime Text1.3 JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA1.4 Atom1.5 VimSection 2: Version Control Systems2.1 Git2.2 GitHub2.3 Bitbucket2.4 GitLabSection 3: Collaboration and Communication Tools for Software Engineers3.1 Slack3.2 Microsoft Teams3.3 Zoom3.4 DiscordSection 4: Project Management Platforms4.1 Jira4.2 Trello4.3 Asana4.4 BasecampSection 5: Code Review and...